Post Job Opening

For questions please email or call 414-301-2322

    Position Information

    Would you like to preview your posting before it goes live?

    How long do you want your job posting to be listed?

    Billing Information

    Payment Information

    We will send an invoice to the billing email address you provide, you have 30-days to pay by credit card or check.

    How it Works

    • Once you fill out the Job Posting Form, which is on the next page, that evening your job will be posted on the Go Law Enforcement website.
    • If you requested to preview and approve your posting prior to going live, that evening you will receive draft for approval.
    • You will receive an confirmation email when it has been posted with a link to your job announcement and your invoice.
    • If you want any changes made to your posting just let us know.
    • You can pay your invoice via credit card (there is no processing fee) or you can pay by via check (you have 30-days).
    • Your job announcement will remain active until the posted closing date, or until you tell us to take it down (maximum of 90-days or 365-days for the 1-year continuous posting).