Probationary Police Officer

West Lafayette, IN
West Lafayette Police Department

Salary: $2,624.46-$2,624.46.

Position Summary:

The Patrol Officer performs duties related to law enforcement such as preventing crimes, investigating suspicious activity, apprehending violators, assisting persons in trouble, directing vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and enforcing traffic laws. Incumbent serves under the direct supervision of a shift commander.

A Probationary Patrol Officer shall serve a one (1) year probationary period regarding their position/employment. A Patrol Officer 2nd Class must meet and exceed the functions and qualifications in this job description plus have one (1) year of service with the West Lafayette Police Department. A Patrol Officer 1st Class must meet and exceed the job functions and qualifications for Police Officer 2nd class, plus have two (2) years of service with the West Lafayette Police Department.

Essential Functions:

  • Patrols assigned area on foot or in a vehicle searching for suspicious activity or situations, or checking for persons in need of service.
  • Monitors radio and other communication devices to receive assigned calls, and to maintain awareness of activities in assigned areas or by other officers.
  • Assists citizens with problems such as lost children, injured persons, animal bites, locked doors, etc.
  • Refers persons to appropriate social service agencies when situation warrants.
  • Responds to assigned calls by driving, walking, or running to specified locations, assesses situation, determines need for other assistance, and takes appropriate action.
  • Removes people from danger which may include carrying unconscious persons away from the scene and providing emergency aid to injured people.
  • Investigates accidents, gathers evidence, records observations and statements of witnesses and victims, requests assistance from other officers or agencies as needed, directs the removal of the vehicles involved, and ensures the area is clear.
  • Searches crime scenes, takes prescribed actions to preserve and protect evidence, and records findings and observations.
  • Interviews victims, witnesses, and suspects of potential crimes, and records responses and observations.
  • Pursues, apprehends, searches, and arrests suspects using only necessary force; advises suspects of rights; and, transports suspects to detention area.
  • Restrains people from physically striking or injuring others using appropriate force.
  • Drives vehicle at high speeds, when situation warrants, due to nature of the emergency pursuant to department policy.
  • Stops drivers of vehicles when traffic violations are observed, verifies license and registration data, advises driver of safe driving practices, and issues citation or makes arrest, as warranted.
  • Directs vehicular and pedestrian traffic when congestion occurs or as directed.
  • Reports as directed to scenes of general emergencies, and takes appropriate action to protect life and property (e.g., directing traffic, quarantining area, assisting individuals in leaving area, preventing looting, and requesting appropriate assistance).
  • Maintains visibility in the community by meeting and talking with citizens; providing information; visiting local businesses; making presentations to schools, neighborhoods, and civic organizations; and, projecting positive, professional image as an ambassador for the City of West Lafayette.
  • Writes reports and completes forms as required by operating procedures, and makes oral reports to appropriate personnel. Testifies in court and prepares for such testimony.
  • Properly maintains uniforms, equipment, and weapons pursuant to departmental policy.
  • Maintains cleanliness of all work areas and any other areas as assigned by Chief of Police.
  • Performs other related duties, as required or assigned.


  • Extensive knowledge of law enforcement procedures and methods, criminal law procedures, and criminal traffic law.
  • Working knowledge of social service agencies; businesses; and, education, civic, and social organizations in assigned area.
  • Working knowledge of emergency medical treatment procedures and the ability to apply those procedures safely to others.
  • Extensive knowledge of street and alley layout in assigned areas, and working knowledge of street and highway layout in community and surrounding area.
  • Ability to safely operate a vehicle at high speeds and under less than ideal conditions or weather.
  • Ability to physically protect oneself and restrain others.
  • Ability to use weapons accurately and safely.
  • Ability to use a two-way radio.
  • Ability to communicate with the public in situations which are highly emotional or hostile.
  • Ability to observe and report observations accurately and in detail.
  • Ability to establish rapport with individuals and groups of differing ages, races, and values.
  • Ability to appropriately respond to emergencies from off-duty status.
  • Knowledge of department rules and regulations, as well as department general orders.
  • Participate in training on law enforcement procedures to include firearms, criminal justice, court
    procedures, emergency medical aid, and related subjects.
  • Perform physical exercises to maintain good health.
  • Meet training requirements prescribed by Indiana law.
  • Meet all requirements for employment as a Police Officer as prescribed by Indiana law.
  • Must not have any felony convictions.
  • Must not have abused any drugs/narcotics within two (2) years of application date.
  • Possess a valid driver’s license.
  • Meet requirements as set forth by the West Lafayette Police Merit Commission.
  • Maintain regular and predictable attendance.