Police Officer

Houston, TX
Houston Airport System Police Department

Salary: $52,000.00 Annually

Position Summary:

Accepted candidates will receive 26 weeks of intense classroom instruction and testing acquiring a working knowledge of the Texas Penal Code, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Texas Transportation Code, Texas Family Code, rules and regulations of the police department and municipal ordinances of the City of Houston. Candidates will receive training in various law enforcement activities such as self-defense, crime scenes, weapon use, and pursuit driving. Successful graduates will be temporarily assigned to a patrol station for further training and evaluation. Candidates who pass all phases of the evaluation process will be expected to enforce federal, state, and local laws.

Essential Functions:

  • Some of the essential patrol functions are answering citizen’s calls, settling disputes, report writing, accident investigations, handling public disorder complaints, responding to alarms, making arrests, searching for suspects, gathering evidence, taking statements, securing property, and providing testimony in court.


  • At least 48 semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university with at minimum of a 2.0 grade point average; OR
  • A minimum of 18 months active duty in the United States armed forces and received an honorable discharge; OR
  • At least three years of full-time employment as a peace officer licensed by TCOLE or an equivalent licensing entity in another state.OR
  • At least three years of full-time employment in the last four years in ANY field.
  • Must be at least 20 ½ years of age (Applicants must be 21 prior to graduation from the academy).
  • Must be a U.S. citizen and a resident of the United States for a period of time sufficient to conduct a comprehensive background investigation. Consideration given for military assignments and students who were full-time residents at college.
  • Must pass a Physical Agility Test.
  • Must pass a Reading Comprehension Test
  • Must have a valid driver license and proof of liability insurance.
  • Must have a driving record that reflects prudence and maturity.
  • Must not have ever been convicted of or received community supervision for a Felony or a Class A Misdemeanor.
  • Must not have been convicted of or received community supervision for a Class B Misdemeanor within the past 10 years.
  • Former military personnel must not have been convicted of any court-martial higher than a summary.
  • Must have a stable credit history, family background, and employment background.